
Duration 2.5 hours with stops from 17:00 to 19:30
Every Monday from 05/06/23 to 04/09/23
Cost of walking tour
€15 full price
€10 reduced up to 12 years
Meeting place :
Lido Pomposa (Fe) – Via Dolomiti n. 16
Age: +5
Lenght: 4 Km
Easy route, suitable for all – tourist level T
40% road (asphalt) e 60% unpaved road (gravel) and hard-packed sand
Altitude difference: +/- 0
Participants must have 0,5 l of water, mosquito repellent, sneakers/hiking shoes with long socks, sunglasses and a cap in the summertime.

SKU: itinerario 9 Category:


Behind the beach you can find an even more unknown area, surviving the urbanization and the extensive agricolture. These fossil dunes are known as Puia’s dunes or San Giuseppe’s dunes and are the oldest of the Po Delta Park. A unique environment behind the dunes characterized by consolidated sands now completely eroded and very loose soils, with holm oak patches and desert-type grasslands. This place is safeguarded by Unesco and Po Delta Park, it’s a house for fallow deer, hundreds of insects and birds of various species. The Puia dunes contain seven types of different habitats of community interest, among which there are all dune habitats (from the unstable sands of the coast line to the fixed ones of the hinterland). Puia’s dunes Between plant species we find the holm oak, the butcher’s broom and the red cistus. Moreover, we can meet endangered species as well, like certain types of orchids. Among the animals living here, the marsh harrier, the hen harrier and the nightjahr are important.
The scops owl, the hoopoe, the kestrel, the quail and other migratory species nest here. A walk in the dunes with a binocular to admire animals and plants.

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